My Politics in 18 sentences
9 things I don't particularly like about GW Bush
He has repeatedly tried to make end runs around the system of checks and balances that the framers put in place to safeguard democratic principles
He resisted the efforts of John McCain to ban torture
He seems to thing the religious right constitutes another branch of government – the only branch he'll actually listen too
With the no child left behind act he has increased the Federal Government's roll in the public school system. Public Schools should be almost always be a state issue.
He has brought the Federal Government into people's personal lives with his views on Gay Marriage and Terry Schiavo. Again putting the federal government into what should be purely a STATE ISSUE
He ignored the FISA laws when they provided a perfectly legitimate way to collect intelligence.
He hasn't done much for environmental protection
He has not learned to present himself as caring
Until the 2006 State of the Union address, I've never heard him admit that America's dependence on oil might harm us
9 things I don't particularly like about Bush Bashers
Bush Bashers love to say that Bush is stupid. He's wrong on a lot of things, but I think he does think things through – I just happen to disagree with the conclusions he reaches
Yes, Bush is Halliburton's bitch, but I don't think he started the Iraq or the Afganistan war for oil
Bush would have prevented 9/11 if he could have. To suggest otherwise is dishonest, paranoid, and counterproductive
Bush is not a racist – he probably has the most racially diverse cabinet in the history of the US Government
If there was a liberal president who consulted his advisers, the Bush Bashers would talk about how balanced he was. When Bush consults his advisers, the Bush Bashers say he's not thinking for himself..
Bush Bashers tend to assume that anyone who lives in a red state is an inbreeding, toothless redneck – so much for respecting other people's opinions
Bush cannot solve every last little problem in your life so don't bitch about those problems
You may think he's a son of a bitch, but he is the elected leader of this country and we're stuck with him. If you really believe in Democracy, you have to respect the office
Most Liberals, if elected to officer, would meddle with people's lives just as much as Bush has, they would just do it in different ways